Arizona DOES NOT LICENSE A PERSON ! Arizona provides a LICENSE to the BUSINESS ! The state requires the applicant to PRE-SELECT how he intends to set up his company BEFORE the license is issued. Which company operating entity is best for you and your family in this business endeavor? If you change the business entity after the license is issued, you must re-apply and repeat the licensing process. This is an important concept to understand. The law does not permit, under any circumstance, allow one person to "use" someone else's license. The unlicensed person can be charged with contracting without a license and the licensed company can be charged with aiding and abetting.
At GetLicensedBondedInsured.com, we specialize in the paperwork necessary to setup the company that will best suit your business needs. Get more information below on the differences in company structures. If you have more questions, we recommend speaking with your accountant or Lawyer.